Season of the Supernatural

In this modern retelling of Macbeth, set in a corporate hierarchy and high rise with distinctly feudal influences, Macbeth is portrayed as a woman desperately seeking the power she rightfully deserves but is denied because of her gender. Lied to by everyone around her, and fighting even herself, Macbeth chooses to deny her femininity in a wild grab for power, a choice that will lead to the play's bloody finale.
The Cast
Kaiulani Kennealy as Macbeth
Diego Hardy as Lady Macbeth
Sophie Landeck as Macduff
Mary Alex Daniels as Banquo
Slyvia Abrams-Wolffsohn as First Witch/Murderer
Hannah Rose as Second Witch/Murderer
Violet Morris as Third Witch/Murderer
Natalie Couture as Hecate/Lady Macduff/Attendant/Siward
Anthony Crehan as Malcom
Will Gundlach as Duncan
Jacob Cherry as Ross
Lucy Krubiner as Lennox
Daniel Glassman as Angus
Cameron Gill as Fleance/Macduff's Son/Menteith
Isabelle Smith as Attendant/Porter
Natalia Montgomery as Attendant/Donalbain
Remy Small, Assistant Director
Cristina Delgado, Stage Manager
Sarah Jensen, Assistant Stage Manager
Bendict Conran, Lighting Designer
Isabelle Yang, Set Designer
Alex Turner, Prop Master
Jared Davis, Costume Designer
Margaret Koldinger, Sound Designer
Zach Kumaishi, Fight Choreographer
Patricia Montgomery, Makeup Arist
Riva Brody, Northwest Contact
Sophie Landeck, Photography
Board of Directors
Co-Executive Director Sophie Cobarrubia
Co-Artistic Director Mary Alex Daniels
Co-Artistic Director Kayla Erickson
Production Manager Stefanie Chordigian
Design Manager Jared Davis
Media and Marketing Director Jerry Ng
Finance and Media/Marketing Associate Graham Farrell
Education Director Kaiulani Kennealy
Education Associate Elana Hershman
Finance Director Asavari Tiku
Finance Associate Cristina Delgado
Finance Associate Zach Kumaishi
Social Director Isabelle Smith