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Season of the Supernatural

The Tempest

Directed by Kayla Erickson, our production reimagines Prospero as an aging Bowie-esque rockstar exiled in a magical limbo wasteland of his own creation.

The theatre itself is a liminal space, and the play has a unique awareness of its own theatricality. Prospero's line in Act 5, "The rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance," is a timely motto for 2019, when tempestuous outrage is a common and justifiable response to current events. Ultimately, "The Tempest" advocates a braver, kinder new world of equality.

February 23 at 1p & 6p
February 24 at 6p
St. Alban's Episcopal Church

The Cast

Director: Kayla Erickson
Assistant Director: Madeleine Hayes
Choreographer: Katie Powers-Faulk
Stage Manager: Lucy Wirtz
Lighting Designer: Benedict Conrad
Sound Designer: Jacob Menke
Costumer Designer: Denise Larsson
Costume Assistant: Annika Estrada
Set Designer: Oscar Escobedo
Props Master: Hannah Boston
Makeup Designer: Patty Montgomery
Makeup Assistant: Nati Montgomery

Julian Ceballos as PROSPERO
Matt Curtin as CALIBAN
Sophie Cobarrubia as ARIEL
Bjorn Hedqvist as ARIEL
Kaiulani Kennealy as MIRANDA
Natalie Couture as FERDINAND
Mars Holscher as ALONSO
Anthony Crehan as ANTONIO
Pablo Martinez as SEBASTIAN
Jacob Cherry as STEPHANO
Chloe Winnett as TRINCULO
Ava Alexiades as GONZALO
Violet Morris as THE MAGIC
Josh Poon as THE MAGIC
Andy Stratton as THE MAGIC
Remy Small as THE MAGIC

... and featuring Lorelei (Cooper Reynolds) as JUNO

Board of Directors

Co-Executive Director Maxwell Zupke
Co-Executive Director Sophie Cobarrubia
Co-Artistic Director Mary Alex Daniels
Co-Artistic Director Kayla Erickson

Production Manager Stefanie Chordigian
Design Manager Jared Davis

Media and Marketing Director Jerry Ng
Finance and Media/Marketing Associate Graham Farrell

Education Director Kaiulani Kennealy
Education Associate Elana Hershman

Finance Director Asavari Tiku 
Finance Associate Cristina Delgado

Finance Associate Zach Kumaishi

Social Director Isabelle Smith

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